JIFF BRAINCHILD - Mike Rogers - Lance E. Lee Podcast Episode #132
Maybe it’s the child in me connecting with the child in him, but talking with Mike always strikes a familiar chord. Radio host and filmmaker Mike Rogers returns! The episode is a stream of consciousness, touching on world events, indie music, film festivals, and the Japanese film industry. His life journey smacks of a true maverick, and the stories are eye-opening and humorous. As a vocal proponent of independent musicians and filmmakers, Mike shares his recent projects, including the New Year’s Party and Ninja Indies Music Award on May 18th and a Hollywood remake of his movie. Stephen David Brooks will direct with Linda Perry as music director. In its fifth year, Mike’s brainchild, JIFF (Japan Indies Film Festival), is a genuine appreciation of the indie filmmakers of the world and a testament to the founder’s integrity and compassion.
JIFF: https://filmfreeway.com/JapanIndiesFilmfestival
Meet the Pumps: https://deadline.com/2021/10/meet-the-pumps-stephen-david-brooks-and-linda-perry-partner-on-punk-pic-1234851700/
Mike Rogers Show: https://www.mikerogersshow.com/
Schemers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc58OD3tQfo