18 YEARS IS A GREAT PLATFORM - Jordan Smith - Lance E. Lee Podcast Episode #49
Jordan Smith is an adventurist/storyteller, and he shares some fascinating life experiences. Young Jordan had his share of partying but always kept up with his studies. After university, Jordan takes a summer teaching job in Seoul, Korea, leading to a full-time Korean university position. Jordan meets the woman-of-his-dreams (his wife), and their relationship quickly escalated. They decide to move to Tokyo, where Jordan immerses himself in Japanese with graduate school at UCLA, waiting in a year. Eight years later, with a Ph.D. in comparative literature, Jordan stepped smoothly onto the tenure track when another luck leads his family of four back to Tokyo for a professorship. Jordan also opens up about his sobriety - how he overcame his anxiety and found new energy, a natural “high” on life, which propelled him on the trajectory to success.